Thursday 19 January 2023

My Christmas Gift Haul 2022







(Ni Hao)

Christmas was spent at my sister's house again, and yet again, Bob created an amazing dinner. I was in charge of desserts again, and I baked Lemon drizzle cake, banoffee pie and a cheesecake with meringue Christmas trees.
Our deal for 2023 is that we'll be heading back for Christmas dinner at my sisters again and I'll be in charge of New Years Day dinner.

2022 pretty much went back to the usual normality and I can't wait for all things already happening and the hopes for 2023.

So to keep this post short and sweet, lets get into the gifts I got on 2022.

Firstly from my sister and her husband.

I got a Harry Potter bath collection set, The box is really pretty and my plan is to keep the box once I've used up the products.
I've not started using it yet, but I can't wait to start using the products.

Next up is a gift from my friend Mary.
Yet again Mary made me get a little tearful with her gift, she got me a personalised blog planner, with my blog page site on the back.
This will be placed in my bag whenever we go places, to note down ideas to post about from our travels etc.

Next is a gift from my friend Clare, her other half Lee and their kids.

I loved my gifts from Clare, the brownies and blondies were divine and they smelt gorgeous.
I've been a fan of Stacey Solomon since her appearance on The X Factor, and this gift box of treats is amazing, they all smell so nice.

Next we have gifts from my friend Nichola, her other half Dave and their kids.

As well as the items pictured, Nichola also got me a ticket to go see McFly in leeds in July with her, we've always been concert buddies when it comes to Mcfly.
The truffles are really nice and chocolatey and I've not yet used the bath bombs, but I always love a bath bomb.

Next we have a gift from my dad and his wife.

I'm a big fan of Soap & Glory, so having it gifted to me is always welcome. I use the Clean on Me quite a lot, so I know that I love that one. I've started using the Simply the Boost body wash and it smells really nice, it's a thick and creamy body wash and it left my skin feeling really nice. I can't wait to get stuck into the other products.

Next we have a gift from my brother, his other half and their kids.
They got me these really cute Thumber from Bambi slipper sock, I know they're going to be too big for me as I only have little feet, but I know they're going to be perfect for the winter months, especially as the temperature is starting to drop again.

Lastly a gift from my nephew Owen and his fiance Alicia.
They got me a collection of body washes and I can't wait to use them as they sound like they're going to smell gorgeous.

I also got some money from my mum and her other half, which I treated myself to some clothes and boots, which I bought for my shopping trip to Birmingham.

Well that brings us to the end of My Christmas Gift Haul for 2022, I loved all my gifts and I can't wait to use them all. I especially appreciate the time and effort it took to choose what gifts my friends and family wanted to get me.

Did you get some presents from friends and family that's perfect for you?
Let me know in the comments below.

See you soon!


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