Tuesday 16 August 2022

Salted Caramel Brownies







(Ni Hao)

I've never really been a fan of brownies, my go to bake is normally a blondie, but being a fan of salted caramel, I thought I'd give these Salted Caramel Brownies a go and see if my mind could be changed.

Let's get baking!

250g butter
250g dark chocolate, broken into squares
2 tsp vanilla extract
225g salted caramel sauce or carnation caramel
1/2-1 tsp sea salt
300g caster sugar
4 large eggs
100g plain flour
50g cocoa powder

Start of by pre-heating the oven and greasing and lining a 22cm square cake/baking tin.

Melt the butter slowly in a medium sized pan and once melted, take off the heat and add the chocolate and stir in the vanilla extract. Stir it all together to melt the chocolate.

Measure out 200g of the tinned caramel and add the sea salt. Stir to loosen the caramel. You could even add a little more sauce for personal taste, I added 1 and a half tsp, but keep tasting after adding.

In a large bowl, beat the sugar, eggs and the remaining 25g of the caramel together until well blended.

Next stir in the melted butter and chocolate.

Next tip in the flour and cocoa powder and stir until everything is combined.

Pour half of the brownie mixture into into the lined tin.

Spoon half of the 200g salted caramel over the top of the brownie batter.

Pour over the remaining brownie batter on top, trying not to disturb the caramel layer.

Finally drizzle the remaining caramel over the top and swirl with the tip of a knife to create a marbled effect.

Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes or until set on top - they should still have a slight wobble in the centre. Leave to cool completely in the tin before cutting into squares.

If you want your brownies to cut into neat squares, the best way to do this is to chill them overnight in the fridge. As soon as you take the slab out of the fridge, cut into squares with a very sharp knife. Don't use a sawing action - jus slice straight down into the chilled brownie.
I also added a little sprinkle of sea salt to the top of the brownie with a drizzle of salted caramel sauce.

I took this to a BBQ and it went down a treat, it was also a big hit with me and Skye too, they were really nice and fudgy. I'll definitely be baking these again, I don't know if I have a newfound love for brownies, but I definitely love these Salted Caramel Brownies. They were really easy and simple to make too.

If you would like to follow and check out the original recipe, the please head to Something Sweet Something Savoury's Salted Caramel Brownies Recipe.

See you soon!


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