Tuesday 14 January 2020

Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

(Ni Hao)

I've not shared any baking with you since October, I did plan to post some in the run up to Christmas but things got way too busy and my blog ended up taking a back seat to get everything done. I wanted to bake us something quick and easy as a dessert for us after our Christmas dinner, but this recipe can be used all year round for any and every occasion.
Lets get baking!

125 g butter, softened
125 g caster sugar
2 large eggs
100 g plain chocolate with orange, melted
125 g self-raising flour, sifted
1 tbsp milk

For Decoration:
Chocolate orange segments

For Buttercream:
200 g butter, softened
400 g icing sugar, sifted

Start off by pre-heating your oven to 180C/Fan 160C/ Gas Mark 4, and placing your cupcake cases (12-15) into a muffin tin.
Start melting your chocolate, ready for it to be used in your cupcake mixture.

Next beat together the butter and sugar.

Next add the eggs, one at a time, and beat well after each addition.

Next stir through your 100 g melted chocolate.

Now fold in the flour until the mixture is smooth and then stir through the milk.

Now divide the mixture evenly between you cupcake cases, and bake for 25 minutes or until a cocktail stick comes out clean. Transfer to a wire rack and cool completely.

For the buttercream, use an electric whisk to beat the butter until it's smooth.

Add 2 tbsp of water and gradually whisk in the icing sugar, in small batches, until smooth and spreadable.

Pop the buttercream into a piping bag, and pipe onto your cupcakes and decorate with a chocolate orange segment.

This recipe was really quick and easy to follow, although I did change some things from the original recipe, it was still really quick and easy. My buttercream was slightly runny when piping so I would next time try making it only using 1 tbsp of water and see if it makes the buttercream less runny to be able to pipe. I don't normally tend to like chocolate flavoured sponge, but I think with the melted chocolate it's miles better than when the recipe calls for cocoa powder, which I think can make the sponge a little dry. I'll definitely be making these again, they were very well received and tasted delicious, they can be made for any occasion, even if you just want some cupcakes in the house to snack on.

If you would like to check out the original recipe along with the original cupcake decoration, then you can check out Tesco's Chocolate Orange Cupcakes, part of their Real Food collections.

See you soon!


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