
Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Meat & Potato Hash with Dumplings







(Ni Hao)

Now the weather's changing it's time to revisit some recipes that I've tried and tested in the past during the winter months. I've always been a sucker for stew and dumplings, so I decided to give this meat & potato hash and dumplings a try.

Let's get cooking!

500g minced beef
half a swede, peeled and cubed
800g potatoes, peeled and cubed
4 carrots, peeled and sliced
1 onion, chopped
2 oxo cubes made up to 1/2 pint beef stock
100g self raising flour
50g suet

Start off by par boiling both the potato and swede.

Next in a large pan, brown the mince, onion and carrot for 5 minutes.

Drain the potato and swede and add it to the large pan with the minced beef mixture.

Add the beef stock and bring to the boil.

Now it's time to make the dumplings, mix the flour and suet together with a little cold water until they hold together but are not sticky.
Make into tablespoon sized balls.

Add the dumplings to the pot and simmer for about 30 minutes, or until the dumplings are ready.
If it starts to dry out, add more water.

Now you're ready to serve.

I can't remember what else I served his with but I'm assuming it would have been mash potatoes, but I think this would be perfect in a bowl as a meal on it's own.
It's really easy to make and I definitely think I would try and make the dumplings a little smaller because I always forget they tend to increase a little in size when cooking, meaning mine was a little dense and underdone.
It's been so long that I've cooked this dish that we're having it again at the weekend.
I love the flavours in this dish, everything works so well together and it really warms you up on a cold evening.

If you're interested in following the original recipe then you can head over to the Food. Meat and Potato Has with Dumplings recipe page.

See you soon!


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