
Saturday, 15 August 2020

Japanese Drama - Ju-on Origins







(Ni Hao)

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Ju-on Origins is a Japanese Horror Tv series, it's a Netflix Original series based around the The Grudge franchise, it's written by Takashige Ichise and Hiroshi Takahashi and directed by Sho Miyake.
The series was released on the 3rd of July 2020 and contains 6 episodes.

Yoshiyoshi Arakawa as Yasuo Odajima
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Yuina Kuroshima as Haruka Honjo
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Ririka as Kiyomi Kawai
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Koki Osamura as Yudai Katsuragi
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Seiko Iwaido as Woman in white
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Kai Inowaki as Kai Inowaki
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Ryushin Tei
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Yuya Matsuura
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Kaho Tsuchimura as Manami Kuze
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Takemi Fujii as Yuka Tsujii
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Ryota Matsushima
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Haruka Kubo
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Shinsuke Kato
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Nana Yanagisawa
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Atom Shukugawa
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Yura Anno
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Tokio Emoto as M
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Nobuko Sendo as Michiko Fukazawa
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Kana Kurashina
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A young actress is troubled by mysterious footsteps in her apartment, intrigued, paranormal researcher Yasuo asks her to record the sounds.

Where should I start, I'm a big fan of the thriller and horror genre, I have seen the Japanese Grudge film as well as the American release, so I was really intrigued when I saw there was a series based around the franchise. The series is will take you at most 3 hours to watch with the series being 6 episodes long and 30 minutes each, both myself and Skye gave it a watch and completed it in one night. While I did enjoy the series there were moments that left me feeling uncomfortable as well as shocked, especially for the rating it's given. The main scenes that stick in my mind, are the scene where you hear a little girl being beaten, the rape scene and the scene where a man murders his wife and then cuts her open to deliver their unborn baby. While these scenes were disturbing to watch, I think it really adds to the main story showing how everything is connected.
The series also left me feeling confused, it seemed to time jump a lot, leaving me confused on who was who, but we always came back to the main two characters from the start of the series and back to the house. 
I cannot applaud this cast enough, they all did an amazing job and I'm sure it cannot have been easy to film some of the scenes that were disturbing to the viewers.
I spent this series and ended this series confused, but I still was sucked into the Ju-on world, and wanted to find out how it would all end. When I think back on the series, it starts to make sense and I'm curious if we will get a second season, but I think my point of view of this drama is that this story and curse will never end.

Have you watched Ju-on Origins?
Were you a fan of the cast, plot and script?
Let me know in the comments below.

See you soon!


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