
Monday, 16 September 2019

Zelo - Distance

(Ni Hao)

Zelo is the main dancer and one of the rappers in the South Korean group B.A.P, in December 2018, Zelo left TS Entertainment. Distance is Zelo's solo debut mini album, on the 10th of June (2019) Zelo announced his return and released a track list for his debut mini album Distance as well as the video itinerary.
On the 11th of June, the first teaser image was released along with the lyrics and song teaser for track Be Better.
Google Images
Also on the 11th of June, the 1st Mini Album 'Distance' trailer was released.
Owned by Zelo
On the 12th of June, the 2nd teaser image was released, along with a song teaser for the track Flash, Party!
Google Images
On the 13th of June, the 3rd teaser image was released, a long with the song teaser for the track IDC.
Google Images
On the 14th of June, the 4th and final teaser image was released, a long with a song teaser for the track Celebrity.
Google Images
On the 16th of June, the M/V trailer for title track 알고싶어 (Questions) was released.
On the 21st of June 2019, the M/V for 알고싶어 (Questions) was released along with the digital and physical release of Zelo's debut solo mini album Distance.
Owned by Zelo
On the 30th of June, a performance video was released for the track Flash, Party!
Owned by Zelo

Zelo participated in all aspects of his mini album, with him co-writing and co-composing on all tracks on the mini album as well as being the co-producer.

Distance peaked at No.27 on the Gaon Albums Chart.
Gaon Sales:
*YouTube views correct at time of writing post*
The M/V for 알고싶어 (Questions) has so far gained 793,612 thousand views, with the views continuously increasing.

Distance was released in 2 version: a Normal Edition and a Special Edition.
The normal edition is set out in a hardback book style case and comes with Cd, photo book, lyric booklet, random double-sided poster, stickers, random postcard and a random photo card.
The limited edition is set out in a box case and comes with Cd, photo book, lyric booklet, 3
posters, stickers, 4 postcards and 4 photo cards.
Both versions have pretty much the same photo book, with the limited edition having more pictures than the normal edition.

Track List:
알고싶어 (Questions)
Flash, Party!
Be Better

I absolutely love the layout for this album, I love all the little extras and I love the fact that the main colour is green, B.A.P's fandom colour. I feel bad comparing all their solo releases, but I have to say that Zelo's has to be my favourite. I was blown away by each of the tracks on his mini album as they all went down a route that I never expected his music to take. From really listening to his album you could tell that he was really held back in his former company, in B.A.P he was mainly know for his rapping and dancing, we rarely got to hear his music and songwriting abilities. I even watched an interview with him on Pops in Seoul where he said he was mainly used for his rapping and that he wanted to sing more, which made me love the album so much more.
When seeing the translated lyrics for Celebrity, I can't help wondering if this is his own interpretation of himself while in TS Entertainment and B.A.P. It's no secret that all 6 of them were treated pretty badly while under TS, in an interview Bang Yongguk had said even though his contract had come to an end he wanted to remain with B.A.P till the rest of the members contracts came to an end but it seems TS didn't want that and even he decided with his mental state that he shouldn't have to suffer anymore, hence why we got the announcement that B.A.P would be continuing as 5 members. I often forget how young Zelo is so it's easy for him to take his career with B.A.P for granted, I'm sure he and the rest of the members didn't expect their careers to take the path it has and are still trying to come to terms with how it has gone. This is just my interpretation of it and I may be completely wrong but to me the song has a haunting feel to it with him showing pain in his voice.
I absolutely love the music in 알고싶어 (Questions), from start to finish it makes me think of summer. The main thing I love about this song is that it none only showcases his rapping but also his singing, as well as being a perfect song to showcase his dancing too. I was excited when I knew Zelo was making his solo debut and I was even more excited when I heard this track, it made me realise just how much our giant maknae had been help back and that he will have so much more to show off in his future path.
알고싶어 (Questions)
I absolutely love IDC, I definitely get the feeling that this song is his way of telling the haters that he doesn't care about what they think or say. I love everything about this track and I'd have to say it's one of my favourites on this mini album.
I think Flash, Party! is very Zelo, it's a hard and hyped up song that when performed has amazing choreography as well as having his famous rap skills.
Flash, Party!
Personally for me Distance, either represents how TS was holding him back and he was wanting to prove he had what it takes to walk his own path, or it's a big F you to TS and all the people that doubted him, and him telling them he's making it on his own and he's going the distance and to watch him while he proves them wrong. I love how this track starts, I think it fits Zelo really well and shows that he has the ability to go the distance.
Another of my favourite tracks has to be the final track Be Better, if I'm not mistaken this is a song written about and for his fans. I love that it's a slow track that reveals the emotion and vulnerability in his voice. When I first heard this track I was brought to tears which I think again proves that music has no language barrier.
Be Better

I can't imagine how each member of B.A.P felt when they realised their journey together (for now) had come to a halt, especially for Zelo, from his mid-teens to his early 20's he's always been around his hyungs guiding him and inspiring him for him to now be a hyung for the rookies out there and inspire them to follow their dreams and go the distance.
I can't wait to see how Zelo grows musically and I can't wait for him to return with his next album.

Were you excited for Zelo's solo debut?
Were you a fan of 알고싶어 (Questions)?
Do you have a favourite song off the album?
Let me know in the comments below.

See you soon!


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