
Tuesday, 11 June 2019


(Ni Hao)

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It's time to get stuck into another GRAZE box!

Each box comes with 4 healthy portioned snacks, that is picked by the Graze team based on your preferences when you subscribe, you also get a little info card that tells you whats in each of your snack pots.

First up we have NOT TOO SPICY VEGGIE PROTEIN, this snack pot contains black beans, wild rice sticks, chilli corn and carrot crisps.
The benefits - this snack pot is high in fibre and is only 140 calories per punnet, the carrot crisps are made with innovative microwave vacuum technology, dehydrating fresh carrots slices to capture their natural sweetness, with no added sugar, salt or oil. It's also a source of plant protein which helps your body build muscle.
- High in fibre
- Source of protein
- Under 150 calories
- Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
I'm often half and half with this snack pot and I think that's why I keep it in my like list on the GRAZE website. For me the black beans are bland and in all honesty they're not really for me, but I'm always willing to give them a try. The wild rice sticks I think are great and a perfect swap for plain crisps. I love the chilli corn, they're full of flavour and very moreish and I love the sweetness of the carrot crisps. It's not a snack pot that I wouldn't pick if I was given the choice but I keep it just for the chilli corn and the carrot crisps.

Next up we have PROTEIN PEANUT BUTTER DIPPER WITH BAKED HEMP STICKS, this snack pot contains 100% pure peanut butter and hemp dippers.
The Benefits - The peanut butter is made from 100% peanuts, which is a good source of natural protein and dietary fibre and contain their own natural oils and flavours. Hemp seeds are also used for the dippers, making it a healthy tasty snack.
- Source of protein
- High in fibre
- Less than 150 calories
- No added sugar
- Suitable for Vegans
I absolutely love peanut butter, so for me this snack pot is always appreciated. The peanut butter and hemp sticks together are just absolutely divine, I think peanut butter can often leave you with a dry mouth, but with this snack pot, there is just the right amount of peanut butter for the hemp sticks, without you running to the kitchen gasping for a glass of milk.

Next we have HONEYCOMB CRUNCH, this snack pot contains raisins, almonds and milk chocolate coated honeycomb.
The Benefits - Sometimes you just need a treat of chocolate, with this snack pot it combines the best ingredients nature has to offer to give you fibre, vitamin E, immune-supporting copper and and energy releasing manganese.
- High in vitamin E
- Source of fibre
- Source of essential minerals
- Suitable for vegetarians
I thought the almonds were edible, I'm not really a big fan of almonds, so I was really surprised that I thought they were OK. I really liked the raisins, I liked the sweetness and the little tangyness they had. I absolutely loved the chocolate coated honeycomb, I could eat it all day, they were very moreish. This snack pot is a definite keeper.

Lastly we have LIVELY LEMON FLAPJACK, this snack pot contains zesty lemon curd flapjack.
The Benefits - their flapjacks are baked in small batches meaning the whole rolled oats keep all their natural goodness, making it a healthy snack with a source of fibre and manganese, which is a nutrient that supports the immune system and protects the cells from oxidative stress.
- Source of fibre
- Source of manganese
- Suitable for vegetarians
- Made with whole oats
Looking on the GRAZE website the Lively Lemon Flapjack is the new name for the Lemon Drizzle Flapjack. The smell from this flapjack is just absolutely gorgeous, I love this flapjack, it's everything I want in a flapjack, it's mouthwatering, it's soft and it's chewy and very moreish.

Now it's time to get into the business side of the Graze box, each box comes with 4 snack pots with snacks had selected just for you from your preferences you give the Graze team from over 100 choices. Each box is £3.99, with your 1st box being half price on subscription, You can choose between having your personalised box delivered through your letterbox every week or fortnightly with also the choice of being able to skip a box or take a holiday if you're away when you box is due. You can also earn rewards by simply being a loyal grazer, by rating and and reviewing your box. If you are interested in making your own Graze subscription then head over to the Graze website.

Here is a code to help you on your way and get your 1st, 5th and 10th boxes for free:

See you soon!


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