
Thursday, 21 March 2019


(Ni Hao)

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Let's get stuck into another GRAZE Box!

Each box comes with 4 healthy portioned snacks, that is picked by the Graze team based on your preferences when you subscribe, you also get a little info card that tells you whats in each of your snack pots.

First up we have CHOCOLATE PRETZEL DIPPERS, this snack pot contains cocoa hazelnut dip and lightly salted pretzel sticks.
The Benefits - The pretzel sticks are baked and then lightly salted and the cocoa hazelnut dip is made with real hazelnuts and blended with cocoa and milk.
- Source of fibre
- Less than 150 calories
- Made with real hazelnuts
- Suitable for Vegetarians
Personally for me this isn't a snack pot I would choose to have, I thought the pretzel sticks were a little bland for me and didn't really like them as a snack on their own. On the other hand the dip was really nice, especially with the pretzel sticks. There is just the perfect amount of dip for the pretzel sticks, and just the right amount that it doesn't get too sickly.

Next up we have SWEET AND SALTY VEGGIE PROTEIN POWER, this snack pot contains honey salted peanuts, edamame beans, unsalted roasted cashews and baked salted peanuts.
The Benefits - This snack pot is a brilliant source of plant protein, it's recommended that you enjoy a portion of nuts everyday, as they're such a handy way to get in healthy fats and fibre, as well as protein which helps the growth and maintenance of your muscles.
- High in fibre
- Source of manganese
- Source of protein
- Suitable for vegetarians
I thought this snack pot smelt really nice, it reminded me of peanut butter. I wasn't a fan of the edamame beans but I did really like the unsalted roasted cashews and the baked salted peanuts, and I really loved the honey salted peanuts. All the flavours together are really nice and work well together. I'd happily snack on this snack pot again.

Next up we have SMOKEHOUSE BBQ CRUNCH, this snack pot contains BBQ flavoured peas, chilli corn and corn chips.
The Benefits - The peas and corn are roasted and not fried, making them naturally lighter version of BBQ crisps, it's less than 150 calories and a source of fibre.
- High in fibre
- Less than 150 calories
- Alternative to BBQ crisps
- Suitable for vegans
I think this is a perfect savoury snack pot, everything together was really nice. I really liked the corn chips, I thought they were really nice, I also really liked the chilli corn. But I loved the BBQ flavoured peas, they had to be my favourite from this snack pot.

Last up we have SEA SALT & VINEGAR VEG CRUNCH, this snack pot contains salt & vinegar chickpeas, salt & vinegar pitta bites, sea salted peas and salt & vinegar kerns.
The Benefits - This snack pot uses veg to give you a source of protein which contributes to the maintenance of muscles and bones, and it's only 111 calories per portion.
- Source of protein
- High in fibre
- Under 150 calories
- Suitable for vegetarians
I really enjoyed this snack pot, which I wasn't expecting that I would. I really wasn't expecting to like the chickpeas but I thought that they were really nice. Everything together was really nice and I'd happily have this snack pot again as a savoury snack, I also think this is a perfect alternative to crisps.

Now it's time to get into the business side of the Graze box, each box comes with 4 snack pots with snacks had selected just for you from your preferences you give the Graze team from over 100 choices. Each box is £3.99, with your 1st box being half price on subscription, You can choose between having your personalised box delivered through your letterbox every week or fortnightly with also the choice of being able to skip a box or take a holiday if you're away when you box is due. You can also earn rewards by simply being a loyal grazer, by rating and and reviewing your box. If you are interested in making your own Graze subscription then head over to the Graze website.

Here is a code to help you on your way and get your 1st, 5th and 10th boxes for free:

See you soon!


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