
Tuesday, 17 April 2018


(Ni Hao)

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It's time to review another of my Graze box.

Each box comes with 4 healthy portioned snacks, that is picked by the Graze team based on your preferences when you subscribe, you also get a little info card that tells you whats in each of your snack pots.

First up we have BOSTON BAGUETTES, this snack pot contains BBQ relish and Tomato baguettes.
The Benefits - The mini baguettes are baked and not fried and seasoned with tangy tomato and aromatic oregano. The BBQ sauce is made with fresh tomatoes and mixed with herbs and spices such as coriander, cardamom and cumin, with a dash of balsamic and a twist of black pepper to give it a smoky twist. A perfect alternative to crisps.
- Less than 100 calories
- Suitable for vegetarians
- A crunchy and light alternative to crisps.
The first time I tried these, I was a big fan but this time round I wasn't really into them. There was just something about the relish that I didn't enjoy this time whereas I loved it before.

Next up we have ELEANOR'S APPLE CRUMBLE, this snack pot contains apple, caramelised honey & cinnamon almonds and raisins.
The Benefits - It's made with Californian almonds and real fruit, this healthy snack is a wholesome source of fibre and only 113 calories. It's also a source of vitamin E, which helps protect cells from oxidative stress.
- Less than 150 calories
- Source of fibre
- Source of vitamin E
- Suitable for vegetarians
I'm not normally a fan of dried fruit but the apple in this snack pot was really nice in both taste and texture, the raisins were also really nice. My favourite part of the snack pot had to be the almonds, they were really delicious and very moreish. All the flavours really worked together and they tasted really nice separately as well as together.

Next up we have APPLE & CINNAMON FLAPJACK, this snack pot contains apple & cinnamon flapjack.
The Benefits - Their flapjacks are baked in small batches so that the whole rolled oats keep all their natural goodness. This snack is a healthy snack and a source of fibre, vitamin A and manganese, which are nutrients that work together to support the immune system and protects cells from oxidative stress.
- Made with real oats
- Source of fibre
- Source of manganese
- Suitable for vegetarians
I always pretty much love all of GRAZE's flapjacks and this one is no different. I love this just as much as the first time I tried it.

Lastly we have MARVELLOUS MACARON, this snack pot contains Belgian white chocolate buttons, almond slivers, amaretti drops and coconut flakes.
The Benefits - This snack pot is a source of fibre and and vitamin E, which is a nutrient that helps protect cells from oxidative stress. This snack pot is also only 166 calories.
- Source of fibre
- Source of vitamin E
- Suitable for vegetarians
- Made with real Belgian chocolate
I enjoyed this snack pot as much as the first time I tried it, I even enjoyed the coconut flakes this time round, as I wasn't a fan of them last time.

Now it's time to get into the business side of the Graze box, each box comes with 4 snack pots with snacks had selected just for you from your preferences you give the Graze team from over 100 choices. Each box is £3.99, with your 1st box being half price on subscription, You can choose between having your personalised box delivered through your letterbox every week or fortnightly with also the choice of being able to skip a box or take a holiday if you're away when you box is due. You can also earn rewards by simply being a loyal grazer, by rating and and reviewing your box. If you are interested in making your own Graze subscription then head over to the Graze website.

Here is a code to help you on your way and get your 1st, 5th and 10th boxes for free:

See you soon!


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