
Friday, 1 December 2017

A Musical Christmas Countdown: December 1st 2017!

(Ni Hao)

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WOW!! how fast has the year gone, It doesn't seem that long ago that I was starting this Christmas Countdown last year, like last year I've had my highs and lows and it's not really been the year I thought it would be but I've still got to have some amazing experiences.

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I really debated whether I would do a musical countdown again this year but Christmas songs win and the countdown has returned, will any of your favourite Christmas songs appear in my countdown?

December 1st:

December 1st can only mean 1 thing it's Christmas month, tree's and decorations are starting to go up, gifts are getting bought and wrapped, children's letters to Santa are being written and sent off and all the shops are now playing Christmas songs and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Today's song is Michalel Buble's It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas.

See you tomorrow!

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