
Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Bang Bang Prawn Pasta

(Ni Hao)

I've been looking at all my cooking and baking pages that I have saved on Facebook to try out and I thought I'd give this recipe a try, this recipe is originally called Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta but I could only find prawns to use for it, so shall we get cooking?

1 lb of spaghetti (or pasta of choice)
1 1/2 lb prawns/shrimps (1 lb boneless chicken, chopped)
1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 tsp paprika
1 tbsp fresh parsley
Black Pepper
1/2 cup Hellman's mayonnaise 
1/2 cup Thai sweet chilli sauce
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tbsp lime juice (1 lime)
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1/2 tbsp onion powder

I started by prepping all my ingredients that needed cutting like my garlic cloves and juicing my lime, and then I placed the mayonnaise, chilli sauce, lime juice, garlic cloves (2), red pepper flakes and onion powder in a medium bowl and mixed together and then set to one side to use later.

Next I cooked the spaghetti, drained and set to one side. ready to be used later on.

Next in another medium bowl, pop in your prawns/shrimps (or chicken if using chicken), paprika and the last 3 garlic cloves and black pepper and coat them well.

Next in a large skillet/frying pan add the olive oil and then cook the coated prawns/shrimps/chicken and then cook until no longer pink (around 10 minutes).

In a large bowl put the spaghetti, prawns and sauce in together and mix to evenly coated, then add the parsley and give it a mix again, and then it's ready to serve.

To say there was quite a bit of spice in this dish, it did taste really nice especially with the Thai sweet chilli sauce, I'm tempted to give this recipe a try with chicken instead and to also trying it by changing the mayonnaise with some sour cream or cream cheese.
If you are wanting to follow the original recipe then check out Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta!

See you soon!


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