
Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Salted Caramel Cheesecake

(Ni Hao)

I've tried and tested a new cheesecake recipe that I found online and I'll link the original recipe at the end of my post for if you want to check it out. I love cheesecake and I absolutely love salted caramel, so when I saw this recipe I knew I had to make it and give it a taste, before I start though I should say the recipe had cornflour in the list of ingredients but when following the recipe it wasn't stated when and where to use it, it wasn't till the cheesecake was in the oven that I noticed I hadn't added any cornflour, so shall we get baking?

300 g digestive biscuits
150 g unsalted butter, melted
500 g cream cheese
200 g golden caster sugar
2 eggs
150 ml cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp cornflour
250 g caramel or Dulce de leche
50 ml cream
1 tsp salt

I started off by putting the biscuits in either a food processor or blender and leaving them till they were like breadcrumbs.

Next add the butter to a pan and melt it so it becomes a liquid.

Once the butter is melted, pour into the crushed biscuits, I mix it in a bit at a time so I don't add too much butter.

Flatten into either a pie dish or a cake pan, I always use a pie dish for my cheesecakes, then place in the fridge to set

Preheat the oven to 250C, While the base is in the fridge make your cheesecake filling, put the sugar and cream cheese into a bowl and mix until well combined.

Next add the eggs, vanilla extract, cream and cornflour and mix again until combined well.

Pour the filling over the chilled biscuit base and place into the oven for 10 minutes, turn the heat down to 100C and bake for a further 60 minutes. Once done allow the cake to cool in the oven.

When the cake has cooled enough start on your caramel topping, heat up the caramel, cream and salt in a pan and stir to blend.

Pour the sauce over the cooled cake and then place in the fridge for at least 3 hours to set, when needed decorate as desired.

I ended up with a decoration I didn't need when I took the cheesecake out of the fridge, as there was Skye's hand print in it as she said she "fell" when looking in the fridge.

This is a cheesecake I will definitely make again as it was really nice, but I think next time I'll add a bit more salt as the caramel didn't really taste like salted caramel. It was enjoyed also by my mum and Skye, even though I think I was the one that ate most of it. I think the next time I make it I will also decorate the top of it with some chocolaty goodness to see if it adds more to the taste.

If you do want to give the recipe I followed a go then head over to Mummy Pages, where there is both the recipe and video to follow.

Are you a fan of salted caramel?
 Let me know in the comments below if you've tried and tested this recipe, or if you have any other salted caramel recipes.

See you soon!


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