
Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Banana Pancakes

(Ni Hao)

Last month I saw a video, which showed creations with just 2 ingredients, and one of the recipes really caught my attention, and that was banana pancakes. I always have banana's in the house for Skye's packed lunch and we always have eggs in too, so I thought I'd give this a try.

1-2 medium bananas
2 eggs

I originally only started with 1 banana but I didn't think there was enough so added another banana. Slice you banana(s) and pop them into a bowl.

Using a fork mash the banana(s) until they are in a pudding-like consistency and there are no large lumps.

Put the eggs into either a bowl or jug and whisk them together until combined.

Pour the eggs into the banana mixture an mix together till combined, note that it won't look like your usual pancake mixture.

Put some oil or butter into a frying pan or griddle and put on a medium heat. Drop the batter into the hot pan, it should sizzle straight away, if not turn up the pan, I used a ladle to pour in the mixture. Let the mixture cook for 1 minute and then using a thin spatula turn the pancake over and cook for a further minute, be careful when turning as these pancakes are fragile and break apart easily. Repeat this process until the mixture is gone.

Now it's time to plate up and add whatever you like to your pancakes. I sliced up another banana and placed over my pancakes and then drizzled over them with some maple syrup. 
(I always burn pancakes :s)

Even though I burnt one side of all 3 of my pancakes they still tasted really nice, this recipe is really easy to follow and you don't have to have a lot of ingredients to make them. I think this is a good recipe whether you want a nice and healthy breakfast or even as a delicious dessert.

Have you made these type of banana pancakes?
Have you tried this recipe?
Let me know in the comments below.

See you soon!


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