
Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Weigh In Wednesday!

Ni Hao

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I've decided it's time I attempt getting my behind in gear again, 2016 really wasn't a year for my self confidence physically or mentally, you may have noticed this as I took some time out from blogging for personal reasons. Like last year I have decided to give myself goals and with these goals they have a deadline which is by October, not all of which are to do with how I look.

My goals for 2017 are:
Weight loss - I'm a bridesmaid this year and I've gone for a dress size down for my dress so I'm wanting to if not go 1 but 2 dress sizes down from what I already am.
Tone up - with the weight loss I want to tone my stomach, thighs and arms back up, if I tone my bum up a bit more too then that's just a bonus.
Learn to drive - I've always wanted to learn to drive and I've got to the point that when my friends want to do something I feel like I have to say no because I hate having to always rely on them to come for me first, plus I always feel really cheeky asking for lifts to places.

I believe if I focus on these 3 goals for the time being that it will help me build my confidence up and possibly open up new doors for me, I feel like I have to be guided by Yoda's mantra to succeed do or do not, there is no try.

If you're interested in any of Kayla's products then you can check out her website for more info.
Her app is available on both the App Store and the Google Play Store

Steps have already been made to start each of these goals, a driving instructor has been contacted, I've purchased my Skinny Mint teatox to start and I have a workout app and book by Kayla Itsines, which has a workout poster and meal plans that also include the recipe's for the meals. There is also lots of information in it to help you with the knowledge of what each food group does for your body, it helps to educate you on the changes you want to make.

Starting Weight:
9st 6/60kg/ 132.2lb

Current Weight:
Arm Measurements:

Bust Measurements:

Waist Measurements:

Hips Measurements:

Thigh Measurements:

Calf Measurements:

Ankle Measurements:

Instead of making Weigh in Wednesday a fortnightly post as I have done before I'm going to make it a monthly post for at the start of each month, so then not only myself but any of my readers can check up on my progress.

Have you gave yourself a New Years resolution?
Have you gave yourself goals for 2017?
Let me know in the comments below.

See you soon!

Zai Jian

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