
Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Kawaii Box: September Edition!

Ni Hao

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It's time again for another Kawaii Box unboxing.

I love that each time I open this box it's like a little present, with all the goodies hidden underneath pretty tissue paper.

First up in the box we have a RABI-DANGO PLUSH, this is just too cute to not have, it's so soft and cuddly that I shall be keeping this one for myself. These little cuties come in 4 different colours: brown, pink, white and gray. We were sent a colour at random and I got the brown one, which I think looks the cutest.
Retail Price: 2.24

Next out of the box we have a I LOVE YOU PURSE, this purse is available in 4 different colours: blue, green, pink and purple, they all have different designs too. They each come with a key chain attached so that you're able to fasten to it you handbag or backpack. The coin purse have Korean writing on them that says I love you pronounced Saranghae.
Retail Price: £2.41

Next up we have the KRACIE NYOKINYOKI KORORON DIY CANDY KIT, I love getting these as part of the items in the box, they may sometimes be stressful to make but, it's always fun to try. I really enjoyed making this one and it was pretty easy to make compared to some of the others you can get. There are 2 sets of flavours available with this product: a blue packet which contains soda, pineapple and melon flavours, and a pink packet that contains melon, orange and grape flavours. I've not checked but I'm guessing we got one sent at random and I got the one with melon, orange and grape in the pink packet.
Retail Price: £3.19

Next we have a INVISIBLE SECRET PEN SET, as soon as I saw this one I put it into Skye's Kawaii Box Christmas bag ready and waiting to be boxed up for Christmas, as I know it's something she will enjoy using. It is a pretty cute item, I just know I wouldn't get any use out of it. It's available in 4 different colours: yellow, blue, green and red, which we were sent one at random and I got the blue set. The set comes with pen that has a special light on the cap that reveals the invisible writing and a cute mini magnifying glass too.
Retail Price: £1.66

Next we have POKEMON RAMUNE CANDY, these originally come as a pack of 5 bags, but we were sent one as like a tester. All the candy and snacks I've tried with the Kawaii Box I have really enjoyed and these were no different, all 5 of the packets have a different flavour: pineapple, melon, cola, soda and grape, each packet has a different Pokemon on it too. I got the melon flavour and to say I don't really like melon they tasted pretty nice.
Retail Price: £3.35

Next up we have another Korean item with a HAPPY DAY NOTEBOOK SET, this one is another item I've put in Skye's Kawaii Box Christmas bag as I know she'll get more use out of it. It could be handy for people that write down their shopping lists but I tend to write mine in the memo pad on my phone. They come in 4 different colours: yellow, green, pink and blue, which we were sent at random, they look slightly different from the picture on the website but that could be because I haven't took it out of the packaging.
Retail Price: £3.44

Next we have what has to be my favourite item a DREAM & EXPLORE NOTEBOOK, it may just be a notebook but I think it looks so pretty, I love the colours and will be placed in my handbag for me to take notes of blog post ideas for the future, and also for when I want to make note of any anime I want to watch, and any manga I want to read. It's available in 4 different styles which are all really pretty scenery style pictures, we were sent one at random and I can honestly I would have been happy with any of the styles as they are all really pretty, I'm even tempted to buy the other 3 and have a complete collection.
Retail Price: £2.00

Next up we have a HARAJUKU HAIR LOOP SET, these are the cutest thing in the September box and Skye is using these. I'm letting her use them now as they are just too cute to be kept till Christmas plus she's in need of new bobbles. Soon as she saw them her response was "they're so cute", a lot of the things that I like and enjoy now and again rub off on her no matter how much she grumbles when I mention it. I'm actually quite gutted I have to pass these on to Skye as they are something I would use for myself but my hair is just too short to put up in a bobble. Each set is sent at random so you never know what colour's you will get.
Retail Price: £0.86

Next up we have SWEET ANIMALS SPARKLE STICKERS, like all the other stickers this set has also been placed with the rest of Skye's Kawaii Box goodness. When I first saw them they reminded me of the little games you could get that had to the balls in them that you had to get either through the hoops or in to the little slots to complete the game, this is the first time I've seen stickers like these, so I think Skye will really like them. They have cute little gems attached to them too and show a cute rabbit and bear having fun at a carnival.
Retail Price: £1.09

Next up we have DIAMOND DECO STICKERS, another for Skye's Kawaii Box gift, these are available in 3 different sets that have different coloured stickers, again it's another that we were sent at random. They seem perfect for personalising items such as notebooks and phones to give them more of a personal, cute and glamorous look. They're not something I would use myself but I know Skye would get more fun out of being creative with them.
Retail Price: £1.83

We're sadly on to the last item from the September box and that is a PASTEL CUPCAKE PEN, it's in fact not a pen like the info card states but a pencil and it's a pencil that I've not seen for a long while. it's a mechanical pencil, this is being added to my Kawaii Box pen collection. They are available in 8 different styles and are all in pastel colours with a cute cupcake at the top, we were sent one at random and I have to say that I personally think I got the best one out of the 8 styles.
Retail Price: £1.09

Now let me get to the business side of the Kawaii Box subscription, remember whatever month you subscribe as long as it's before the shipment date you will get that months box. Each box comes with 10-12 Japanese and Korean kawaii items and no matter where in the month you subscribe you will get that months box shipped out to you so if you signed up on the 30th of November you would still get Novembers box as your first box. You get the choice of which subscription plan you would like, there's a 1 year plan which you pay $214.80 upfront and get a box free which works out around £175.11 and it ends after the 12 months, there's a 6 month plan which the site features as their most popular option which is $112.80 upfront which saves you $6 which works out as £91.96 saving £4.89 and this one also ends after the 6 months, there's a 3 month plan which is $59.40 upfront which they also advertise as the perfect gift idea which comes in at £48.42 which also ends after the 3 months and finally there is the 1 month plan which is the plan I am on which is $19.80 which is a re-occurring payment plan that you can cancel at anytime and works out at £1614. All 4 plans come with free shipping and also an automatic entry into their kawaii megabox raffle valued over $100 (£81.52). If you're interested in subscribing or just even checking it out then click HERE to go to the site.

If you don't want to subscribe then check out the site BLIPPO where all the items featured in this post are available with many more kawaii items to choose from. 

If you just want Japanese Candy they have a subscription box similar to the Kawaii box options you can check that out HERE.

My plan is still $18.90 which works out as £14.93, so I am guessing they have sightly raised their prices since I subscribed but you still get items that make the value of the box higher than what you actually pay. Each box is always good no matter whether you get items you will use or not, I always look forward to my next Kawaii Box.
Keep it Kawaii

See you soon!

Zai Jian

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