
Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Shopping Splurge!

An nyoung 
Ni hao 

So it's Payday and it can only mean one thing SHOPPING! I've not done a shopping blog for a while so thought I'd do another plus I have a week off work with Skye being on her 6 week holidays so girly mummy, daughter afternoon was on the cards with food at Wagamamas with our favourite Mr... Andrew. As always my shopping started online but I've set myself a challenge till at least September and till a few things are paid off I'm abstaining from buying any k-pop as I know more than anyone that's where a majority of my money goes, the only exception I am giving is if Girls Generation release anything during that time. 

The only online shopping I have done today was my favourite Asian clothing site YesStyle, which I think I may start including a few review posts of the clothes I buy from them, give them the acknowledgement they deserve. I did two orders with them as each item has a time frame for shipping and so all my order doesn't get delayed I split my orders.
My first order all the items are shipped between 7-14 days as they source them from out of the warehouse, the bonus of this is that payment isn't taken until it's shipped so if they can't get the item they remove it from your order and ship and only take payment for the items sent to you.
My first item for this order was a pair of shoes, I've always eyed up the shoes they offer but was nervous to order any but I saw these and fell in love, they look Kawaii and girly and look like they'd go with quite a lot of my outfits.
Bow-Accent Heel Sandals

Next was a chiffon skirt that's black with white butterflies, I always tend to but either blouses and dresses so thought I'd start getting more skirts.
Butterfly Print Chiffon A-line Skirt

Lastly for this order was a navy blue chiffon dress, I have a dress similar to this one but in green and it has long sleeves and I love it.
Short-Sleeved Frilled-Trim chiffon dress

My second order was items that are ready to be shipped to me within 24hrs and are items pretty much similar to the ones above.
The first item was a style of top that I've seen around but didn't feel I could wear it because I dislike the tops of my arms but after getting one I really liked it on.
Scrappy Ruffled Floral Top

Next was another skirt but this one has a navy style to it which I liked.
Striped Trim Elasticized Skirt

Lastly for this order and for online shopping was another skirt but this one is like a pinafore dress minus the top part it's basically a pinafore skirt, it's available in different colours but I went for navy blue. Top in pictures isn't included.
A-Line Jumper Skirt

If you've liked anything I've posted today and would like to check them out for yourselves or would just like to check out the items they offer then check out their site and social media pages.

First store we went into today was Boots mainly because I needed headache tablets but while in there I got a few things, first being my Soap & Glory mascara and also another Soap & Glory item, a foot buffer as the heels of my feet get really dry and sore.
Foot Buffer - £8.75
Mascara - £10.50

Next was Primark where my main goal was to get more clothes for Skye when she goes on holiday with my parents.
First item was a Monster High vest top.

Next was a playsuit for during the day that she can have her swimming costume under.

Lastly for skye was a denim pinafore that I thought was really cute and would suit her.

I also got a few things for myself.
First a Harry Potter shorts and vest Pyjama set. They're really cool as the shorts are set out as the Marauders Map.

Next is another pyjama item this time a Batman pyjama top that looks really comfy.

Lastly for Primark I got two pairs of socks, one were Ariel from The Little Mermaid and the others were Marie from The Aristocats, I love all things Marie.
£2.50 each 

Next store was HMV not much was purchased from here apart from a Barbie DVD for Skye and another mug for myself but not just any mug a Sailor Moon mug.

Lastly but by no means least was one of my favourite stores: Lush, if there's a Lush I have to go in and get a few bath bombs.

Blackberry Bath Bomb
Space Girl Bath Bomb 
Sex Bomb Bath Bomb
Honey Bee Bath Bomb

Well we've come to the end of this month's shopping blog, I can't wait for my clothing items to arrive to see how amazing they are. Have you had a shopping splurge lately? What did you get?
See you soon! 

An nyoung 
Zai Jian 

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